Upcoming Hex shows
27th April - Half Moon Oxford, part of the Oxford Folk Fringe
12th May - 2pm - 5pm, Wheatley Windmill
21st June - Make Music, Abingdon
22nd June - Love Music Hate Racism Festival, Isis Farmhouse, Oxford

Hex gigs for 2019 (so far)
22nd March - House concert, North Hinksey. Contact me for tickets
29th March - The Eclectic Cabaret, Wooton
14th April - Alfred Williams commemoration, the Beehive, Swindon

Recordings from Shaken Oak Studios
A session at the lovely Shaken Oak Studios near Witney just before Christmas produced some demo tracks, which you can listen to here on Soundcloud.
More recording planned for later on in the year. We are aiming for an EP for release in the summer. We'll keep you posted on progress.

Hex at the Wheatley Windmill
Wheatley Windmill is a renovated windmill on the top of a hill (naturally) just outside of Oxford. It is open to the public the second Sunday of every month this summer until October and the Hex Collective is delighted to be playing at the open days. Check out the windmill, then grab a cup of tea and a slice of cake and listen to our tunes in the sunshine (weather permitting!). We will be playing between 3pm and 5pm, the windmill is open between 2pm and 6pm.

Alfred Williams commemoration event
The Hex collective is delighted to have been asked to play at the Alfred Williams commemoration event being planned for April in Swindon. Details have not been firmed up yet, but it looks as if it will be a lovely do.